IOL HighTech Bound Internship

IOL HighTech Bound Internship
IOL hightech bound

IOL HighTech Bound Internship 2025

Internship Application opens on January 1: IOL HTB

2025 Internship Dates (subj to change): July 7-Aug 7

The UNH InterOperability Lab (IOL) HighTech Bound is a five-week, paid summer internship designed for high school seniors who are interested in working with the latest technology. The program is a paid, five-week internship that provides students with hands-on experience and exposure to real-world technology.

For more information and program questions, contact:

For the program website: IOL Internship

This course is currently unavailable.

The UNH-IOL is located at:

Madbury Commons
21 Madbury Rd., Ste 100
Durham NH 03824

Travel directions to the IOL